Hello to all of you! I am Ronoxym, and its a true pleasure to be starting this blog of my very own. If you are indeed reading this, you probably picked up the link from someone far more popular then I, and thank you for joining me here! After having read my friends for so long, and having her and several others around me inspired so greatly to actually get into writing lately, I am now here for your reading pleasure!
So, my good friend LycoRogue has been working with me on a collaboration that has been bouncing around in my head for some time, and about two or three weeks ago, we talked so much about it that it finally got me to get up off of my butt and finally get down to it and start writing it. Long story short, this story had been meant to be about three to five pages, just a brief little slice of life scene that I was going to bang out and send over to her for our mutual enjoyment...
It is currently sixteen pages long! Sixteen! This stupid thing was supposed to be a quick little afternoon jaunt into the mind of my character and hers in one brief interaction. Now, it has turned into us having a google doc going where we are commenting back and forth, over and over, mulling this thing out, editing, re-editing, correcting each other, on and on and on! (I also suspect that, if Lyco is anything as much like me as my lovely fiance jokes, then she also is raging back at me occasionally, though in her case, its probably because I haven't been active on the forum as of late.)
So this collaboration that we have going? Best part about it? It's barely halfway done at this point, even if it only goes to the point that I had planned on it going to. To be perfectly honest, it probably will go far beyond what I had originally intended, and I'm starting to get a little frightened by it now. Basically, what's going on in this story is that both Lyco and I have characters on an Alternate Universe based X-Men text based role-playing forum. My character left the Xavier institute right before it was attacked, and he spent two years working with the group that attacked it (though he didn't know about that until he came back). After he came back, my character found that Lyco's hates him, blaming him for what happened. Because of this, he convinces her to read his mind (she's a telepathic individual, among other things.) The story starts with him convincing her to do so, and of what ensues afterwards. At page thirteen in this little slice of life endeavor, we finally worked the story up to her actually starting to look into his mind, and now we are into the nitty-gritty of what happens when she does that.
We are both extremely excited about this whole thing, and neither of us can really wait to see where it goes. I say that we can't wait to "see where it goes" because we are both character driven writers, our writing styles are similar in that we have our characters appear before us (in our minds obviously) and they tell us our story, not like my wonderful fiance, who sits and writes with a methodical purpose, telling her characters where to go and what to do, and if they wont do it, then she finds a way around them (very George R.R. Martin of her I say). To me its rather impressive to see her do that, because there is no way I could ever do it. ADHD just doesn't allow someone to sit there and work a methodical schedule type thing. My work style is much more free form, with the story revealing itself to me, sometimes even as I am putting it to the written page. All of that being said, a new story has been forming in my head for a while, which I will be giving all of you readers an opening section of in the next couple of days.
To the few of you that are reading this, this has been most enjoyable, and I hope to see you again soon when I give you all the first scene!
ReplyDeleteAww, I'm touched that I've inspired you to start this. I'm assuming Cyhyr is one of the others who inspired you?
Dude, I'm soooo sorry that I threw you off so bad with that collab! XD
Now, get off your ass (I wouldn't normally put that word in a comment, but you already have that maturity warning thing) and work on the Devon/Willow collab (or edit the Nys/Willow one) so I can keep writing! :P